Salted Italian Grayhound

CocktailA salted Italian Grayhound is one of those cocktails thats simple sophistication perfectly balances in an all around experience in your mouth. Yes, I wrote experience in your mouth and mean it.


  • 1.5 ounces of vodka
  • .5 ounces of Campari
  • Fresh squeezed grapefruit juice
  • Salt
  • Lime garnish

Using a lime wedge, wet the rim of a rocks glass and line with course salt. Fill the glass with ice and ad a full shot of vodka. Fill the glass nearly full with grapefruit juice. Gently sink a “1 2” count of Campari to the bottom of the drink. Garnish with a lime wedge.

Campari is one of those old school liquors that is completely undervalued as a cocktail ingredient in the US. Campari is most famously served with Soda water, but I think this version of a Grayhound and Salty Dog illustrates just how versatile a liquor Campari truly is.

Give this east cocktail a try and tell me you don’t agree. I’d love to hear your Campari recipes! Share them with me!

What do you think?